December 10, 2018

Schedules for Testing and Taking Medicines for HIV

The medications available for delaying the onset of AIDS, or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, the illness that is caused by HIV, are often effective in improving the overall quality of life of HIV positive clients, but the cocktail of drugs required for achieving maximum results is fairly complex and can be difficult to organize –and to remember. HIV schedules, including HIV medication schedules and HIV testing schedules, are frequently available from doctors’ offices, as well as from government and social support agencies. Helping people living with HIV to stay on track with their medications and testing, these HIV schedules offer a valuable extra layer of security for staying healthy and happy while facing the virus.

Typically, HIV clients are given a set of three drugs to take in order to combat HIV; these often consist of three anti-retroviral medications, which provide various inhibiting actions against the development and spread of HIV within the body. The precise combination of these medications, as well as the times at which they are taken, form a significant part of their efficacy, and staying on track with HIV drugs can greatly enhance the quality of the treatment received. HIV positives may wish to create a clear schedule with their doctor or medical health specialist –one which includes not only times for taking specific sorts of drugs, but which also touches upon and schedules for testing that may need to be completed in order to track the progress of the treatment and the overall health of the client.

Finding HIV schedules and other resources can often be accomplished by contacting a general practice physician, but many options are also available through community groups. Often, such groups also offer support in the form of regular meetings or counseling sessions and can help provide an additional layer of care for people living with the virus. From community counseling sessions for HIV positives and their friends and families to groups which actively participate in campaigns and evens to help local communities understand more about the virus, these programs can help clients not only secure a longer and more prosperous life through organized HIV medication and HIV testing schedules, but through social support and understanding, as well.

By ordering and reading publications regarding the complex requirements of today’s most promising medications for the HIV virus, clients can look forward to many years of personal well-being and prosperity, and the combination of quality, accessible, HIV testing and HIV medication schedules with support and education groups can further enhance daily living for the body and mind in people who are HIV positive.

Posted by: HIV positive facts at 08:11 AM | Comments (265) | Add Comment
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December 01, 2018

How STD Testing will Benefit You

Sexually active individuals almost have equally high chances of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases (STD) or sexually transmitted infections (STI) such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) syphilis, among others. Some of these STDs cannot be treated, which is why they need to be detected as early as possible as precautionary measures. Most of the time, there are also no symptoms or signs to let you know that you already are infected.

Looking at the Figures

As of 2015, at least a million people acquire STD daily around the world. Yes, one million new cases every day. Nearly 20 million of new cases every year are accounted in the US alone. Annually, there are about 500 million cases of genital infection with herpes simplex virus (HSV), 300 million of human papillomavirus (HPV) among women, 140 million of trichomoniasis, 130 million of chlamydia, 80 million of gonorrhea, and six million of syphilis recorded. Researchers have also found out that half of the global population today is at high risks of acquiring STD.

If the figures are not still enough for you to finally go and look for STD testing near me, consider the following benefits of getting tested:

Immediate Medical Response

Once you’ve decided to get an STD test and the result is positive, you can immediately seek the necessary medical attention. This will allow you to prevent your condition from worsening. If there is still no cure available, there are still ways that today’s advancements can help control the disease.

Lower Chances of Infertility

If you’re planning to have a baby, make sure that you get an STD test. If you are infected and the STD remains untreated, it can cause infertility for both men and women. Although it won’t prevent infertility absolutely, at least it will help you lower the risks.

Keep Your Baby Safe and Healthy

STD testing near me is mandatory for those who are pregnant. Whether you suspect that you have acquired an STD or not, you need to get an STD test if you are expecting a baby. This will prevent the baby from being infected as you seek immediate treatment should you test positive.

Prevent the Spread of STD

Do the world a favor and help prevent STD cases from piling up to millions every day. Should you test positive, you can stop engaging in sexual intercourses or at least use condoms. If you test negative, it is still important to be careful at all times especially if you have been engaging with different partners.

Peace of Mind

Since STDs rarely show symptoms, there is no way of telling if you have STD other than getting an STD test. Some STDs show symptoms, yes, but most of them are common ones that may indicate other diseases or conditions. Simply speaking, looking and waiting for symptoms is useless when it comes to serious cases such as STDs. Don’t wait for the worst things to happen before you go for an STD test. After all, it’s just a precautionary measure.

Posted by: HIV positive facts at 08:09 AM | Comments (287) | Add Comment
Post contains 510 words, total size 4 kb.

November 25, 2018

Safety Tips For Online STD Dating

With the increase in technology and people leading busier lifestyles, online dating has become a popular way for singles to meet new partners. Once the domain of the computer geek, online dating sites are now nothing out of the ordinary, and are used by people from all walks of life. When you have been diagnosed with HIV or any other STD, online dating can be a great way to get to know people in a similar situation to you, while still retaining your anonymity. Just like mainstream dating sites, there are a few safety precautions that users of hiv dating sites should bear in mind.

Don’t Disclose Personal Information

Your address, bank account details, home phone number and social security number should all be kept confidential until you are completely sure you can trust someone. Be wary of anybody who asks you to divulge personal information, however charming they may seem. If you decide to exchange phone numbers, your mobile is generally a safer option than your work or home number until you have met the person a few times.

Appearances Can Be Deceiving

Remember that until you meet the person, you don’t really know who is behind the attractive profile picture. If someone sounds too good to be true, there could be a good reason for it. If you have any suspicions about the authenticity of someone you meet on the site, it is a good idea to stop talking and contact the site administrator.

Meet In A Public Place

When you first meet someone face to face, it is best to do it in a public place. A neutral area is best, rather than your local coffee shop, and it can be useful to have somewhere to go afterwards so that you have an escape route if necessary. Always tell someone where you are going, who with and when you expect to be home, so they can follow up if necessary.

Be Wary Of Potential Scams

Although rare, there are scammers who target people on dating sites. Never agree to transfer money to anybody, no matter how compelling their story, and make sure you don’t give out any personal details such as bank details, identifying information or passwords which could leave you vulnerable to identity fraud or theft online.

Overall, plenty of successful relationships have been started on dating websites. Finding someone else with an STD online can be the ideal solution for many sufferers and can lead to a happy and fulfilling future. Stay safe and have fun – that special person could be waiting for you now!

Posted by: HIV positive facts at 08:07 AM | Comments (1134) | Add Comment
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November 20, 2018

STD Testing as Part of your Fitness Routine

Our sexual and reproductive condition is a big chunk of our overall health status. Most people do not realize its importance that they forget to have themselves tested for different sexually transmitted diseases (STD). Unless they experience the signs and symptoms, they would not feel the urgency to consult a doctor. STD testingstyle means having to regularly check yourself for the presence of the most common symptoms of such diseases. To do this, you have the option of using different packages which may come in the form of individual tests or those that can be done at home.

Why is STD testing important? First and foremost, getting tested for diseases contribute to a healthier lifestyle. When you know that you are experiencing a certain condition, you will do something about it. Similar to having a high blood pressure and doing lifestyle modification to resolve it, if you know that you have a sexually transmitted disease, you will avoid the risky behaviours that can cause it. It serves as a warning that you should be changing something in your daily routine. Eventually, you will learn how to better take care of yourself.

The more that we know about ourselves, the more comfortable we will be. Having a good sex life is important. It is a not just a desire but a physiologic need that can shape our health to its optimum state. If you know that you do not have diseases, you can have a more satisfying sex life. STDs are dangerous because you may not be feeling anything for many years but you just do not know that you are already sick. Most are asymptomatic so they continue to practice unsafe behaviours which make them more prone to spreading the disease.

You are not the only one who will benefit from STD testingclinics, your partner or those that you have sexual encounter with will also gain something from it. Letting them know that you are sick can also convince them to have themselves tested also. As the number of people who know of diagnostic clinics which offer testing for HIV/AIDS, herpes, syphilis, etc. increases, more and more will visit them to be checked. One of the reasons why people do not go to these clinics is because they are shy or afraid to do so. When it has become part of the norm, no one will be telling these excuses anymore.

As a responsible individual, it is important that you submit yourself to different testing procedures. Unknowingly, you may have already transmitted what you have to another person that you love. There are a lot of clinics in San Antonio which are very accessible so you need not worry about them. Most tests only take an hour to perform so it will not disrupt your busy schedule. All information will be treated as confidential. Go ahead and save your life and of others.

Posted by: HIV positive facts at 08:05 AM | Comments (1285) | Add Comment
Post contains 491 words, total size 4 kb.

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